Being Vegan, Vegan Being: Earvin Lopez – Owner of Vegan by Victoria’s, a Vegan Mexican bakery

Tell us a little about yourself.

From Anaheim, California. Business owner of Vegan by Victoria’s a vegan Mexican bakery in Santa Ana, California veganizing as much of the traditional sweet breads we grew up eating but without the cruelty.

Find Earvin online here:

Personal @earvinlopez
Business @veganbyvictorias

What lead you to veganism? How long ago?

Health reasons and watching YouTube videos on veganism about 3 years ago

When you first went vegan how did you phase out your non-vegan food, clothing and other items?

When I went vegan I phased out non vegan food overnight and clothing I never really purchased any leather, fur etc before but became aware of it and other items such as shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants I used up what I had and then purchased the vegan version

Do you believe we should show children the process of how animals are turned into products?

I believe we shouldn’t show children the whole process of animals being turned into products but explain to them why animals shouldn’t be used as products and teach them compassion for all animals

What does being vegan mean to you?

Being vegan to me means doing the most you can everyday to show compassion for all animals and humans and embracing any movement towards a more cruelty free life by supporting a product from a non vegan company offering vegan options and showing them that this is what we want and hopefully creating a change through our purchases.

Is it every vegan’s duty to become an activist? What form of activism do you take part in?

I think all vegans participate in a form of activism daily by not eating or purchasing anything with animal products we’re all standing up against cruelty daily.

Any recommended vegan books, social sites, or blogs?

YouTube has many great and educational videos about veganism and a lot of delicious vegan recipes

Do you have a favorite movie or videos or your own media that you want to share?


What’s your favorite Vegan restaurant?

Veggie Grill

Some encouraging words for new Vegans?

We all started our vegan journeys one at a time take the time to educate yourselves everyday and remember why you started.

What is the vegan scene like in your city?

Vegan scene in my city is sorta small but it is definitely growing.

What personal recommendations can you make for people to meet other vegans?

Facebook Vegan Groups, Follow Instagram pages that post about local vegan events.

What does living cruelty-free mean to you?

Living cruelty free to me means trying our best to not cause harm to others.

What are you favorite Vegan non-food products or companies?

Schmidt’s naturals, Yes To, Mercy for Animals

What is the toughest Vegan item to find that you need?

The Beyond Sausage

MooShoes—Cruelty-Free + Animal-Approved

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  1. What to do With Non-Vegan Stuff When You Go Vegan? 12 Vegans Share Their Experience.

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